Monday, May 21, 2012

Two is better than One

Anything that is more than 1 is always the best.Well in the exception of relationship that is.Its better to have ONE lover than two or in fact many.Today,Monday, is super munadne to me.First, I have only two periods of lesson since my Primary 3 kids are out for learning journey and only back at 1pm.Second,my place is right beside the printer therefore I do not have any privacy to do my non work related stuff.Third,I am having tuition right after this.Lastly,I am pissed with for they have not shipped out my items when I paid and ordered it on 5 May 2012.

Back to the part which says two is better than one,I came across this beautiful,gorgeous and sexy jumper when I was reading one of the fashion blogger blog.I love it because of its colour and how exotic it looks.I don't mind wearing thick clothing here in SG if the plan is to just shop or taking photo.Other than that I rather wear clothes that are to my comfort.I really want to get it but sadly,all of it SOLD OUT.The minkpink home dye jumper is sold out!Let me show you how gorgeous it is.


So now, I will start to google this till I can find one that is available.It doesnt matter which colour!

Till then.

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